Spring has officially arrived in Kamloops and while we need to follow COVID precautions, it’s time to start roaming the local parks and sports fields. While we get back outside and enjoy the sunshine, it’s important for Kamloops drivers to keep their vehicles in good running shape for increased driving and weekend activities.
Spring Tune Ups (must do list)
Inside Maintenance
Spring-clean the cabin. It helps to get all your cleaning supplies ahead of time as you think of sprucing up the carpets, seat covers and mats. High powered shop vacs do the trick. A high quality dash cleaner strips off the dust and protects the surface from UV damage. We know what you’re thinking. We don’t read minds, but if spring cleaning your vehicle sets your teeth on edge, consider a local detailing service. They do such a great job for a minimal price.
Change the air filters. Air filters stop dust and debris from reaching the engine’s combustion chambers. Your cabin filter may need changing as well to ensure your air conditioning works properly through the summer months. If you’re getting a musty, old, swampy smell in your cabin, changing the filter may solve the problem.
A seasonal oil change is probably due at this time. It may seem like a small thing, but oil changes are one of the main tasks needed to keep your engine running efficiently. Don’t worry about changing types of motor oil, as most are now multi-viscosity and offer protection through a wider range of temperatures all year round.

Outside Maintenance
Wash and wax the exterior and clean the undercarriage. It’s no doubt your vehicle has taken a bit of a beating on last winter’s roads, with ice, sand and salt packing into the undercarriage. Take a high pressure hose to the undercarriage to remove debris that can cause corrosion and give your vehicle a good wash and wax to protect the paint. Some vehicles won’t need a wax, as they come with a permanent factory option.
Check the windshield wipers. Winter wipers are more aggressive than summer wipers, but they wear down easier. You’ll want to swap out your wipers if they’re worn to make sure they clear your windshield during a heavy rainstorm. While you’re thinking about your wipers, you’ll want to check your wiper fluid and top it up with a summer mix.
Check the brakes. Are they squealing or vibrating? Road salt can corrode metal and brake pads require clean well lubricated frames to work properly. Also, remember to check your brake fluid.
Check the battery terminals for signs of corrosion. Batteries, like all vehicle parts have a product lifespan, so it’s a good idea to test your battery and replace it when recommended by the manufacturer.
Inspect, rotate and align the tires. Driving on bumpy winter roads can cause misalignment. Rotate the tires to ensure they wear out evenly and if the tread is highly worn on your summer tires, buy a new set. We understand there is some cost related to your spring tune up, but still necessary to keep your vehicle running at peak performance that saves large repair bills in the future.
If spring tune ups seem daunting, give us a call. Vehicle maintenance is our specialty and we’ve been serving Kamloops drivers since 1988 as a full service auto care centre.
- Air conditioning
- Brake inspections
- Oil changes
- Sale and installation of tires
- Vehicle inspections
- Suspension systems
- Transmission and traction
- Wheel alignments
You may also be interested in reading the article: Hybrid Vehicle Maintenance
From the team at Advance Auto Service in Kamloops