It is hot, hot, hot outside! One of the best ways to protect your vehicle from sun damage is to park in the shade, garage, or covered lot. We know this is not always possible, and as Kamloops drivers race to parking spaces with the only patch of meager shade, there are some things you can do to prepare for hot weather driving.
Hot Tips For Summer Drivers
Have a summer emergency pack in the trunk and carry plenty of water with you, wherever you go. Even a short trip to the corner grocer can be delayed, and water is essential in this type of heat.
Change your cabin filter when needed. Where there’s summer heat in BC, there’s wildfires and keeping the cabin air clean and filtered is important for health. Replacements are relatively inexpensive but worth the effort, considering air quality and how important filters are for AC performance.

Is your AC working properly? We fix vehicle air conditioning, and at this time of year, staying cool in your vehicle is top priority. Pop in and chat with our service advisor if your AC isn’t running correctly. We’re easy to find at 1815 Trans-Canada Highway E or call us at 250-372-3222.
Check the fluids in your car or truck. This includes coolant, oil, transmission fluid, windshield wiper fluid and brake fluid. We can check the fluids for you at the time of your oil change, as the hot weather places added strain on your vehicle systems.
When parked, sun visors are effective, protecting your car’s interior from UV damage. If you don’t have a sun visor, covering your dash with a beach towel is helpful for protection against fading. Vehicle covers are cost effective and protect your car’s paint while keeping the interior shaded and cooler.
Bring Your Car In For Summer Maintenance
Call the pro-team at Advance Auto Service to book an appointment for full automotive service and repairs in Kamloops. Our fully licensed technicians help you prepare your vehicle for any season. We’ve been serving the drivers in Kamloops since 1988 and look forward to keeping your car running at peak performance. Stay cool! Drive safe.
Further Reading: Vehicle HVAC Systems
From the team at Advance Auto Service in Kamloops