Car and Truck Repairs for Kamloops Drivers
Are you looking for auto repairs in Kamloops? We’ve been serving Kamloops since 1988 with full automotive services, including computerized...
How To Protect Your Car From Wildfire Ash
Unfortunately smoke and evacuation alerts are causing a lot of stress for us as we move through another summer of wildfires in BC. If you...
Summer Car Maintenance
It is hot, hot, hot outside! One of the best ways to protect your vehicle from sun damage is to park in the shade, garage, or covered lot....
How to Beat the Heat on Your Road Trip
If we were complaining just a few short months ago about the lack of sunshine and cold temperatures, well, we’re not now. Our record...
Vehicle HVAC Systems
How many of us would enjoy rides to the ski hill in below zero temperatures or summer daytrips without heating and air conditioning in our...
Time to change your car filters
Car filters must remain clean and unclogged for efficiency. Filters accommodate air or fluid flow and trap debris that could otherwise...
Kamloops Road Trips – Wine Trail
In our Kamloops Road Trips series, we’ll be exploring day routes you and your friends can take to get out and enjoy the surrounding...
What is a catalytic converter?
The catalytic converter on your vehicle reduces toxic exhaust gas via catalyzing oxidation and reduction reactions (redox). They’re used...
It’s Time To Take Your Vehicle Out Of Storage
Spring has finally arrived and it’s time to take your vehicle out of storage for your first road trip. You’ll want to check your battery...